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Tough away game for Men’s 1s

Tough away game for Men’s 1s

Eden Crook28 Jan - 13:12
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The Men’s 1s travelled to Havant in what proved to be a tough match for them

Swans men's 1s sent 11 of their finest to havant to experience cold, inhospitable conditions. There were failed late fitness tests for Pete Richards (back), Gavin Harris (groin), and Dave Green (cattle-related). But Josh Lightfoot passed a fitness test on his thumb earlier in the week.

Swans found themselves in a tight game. Two short corner goals from havant in the first half, seeing Swans 2-0 down going into the break, did not reflect the game.

Their luck did not improve in the second half, where they conceded two more goals, one from a penalty flick. They were unlucky to lose 4-0 and the scoreline certainly didn't reflect the closeness of the game.

Defender Cameron Findler, interviewed after the game, said "Jacob Snell had an excellent game until he headed the ball off the line, conceding a penalty flick. Jack Thompson put in his usual hard work to earn man of the match. Most of all, we had fun"

Three consecutive home games await the Swans who hope to bounce back at the Purbeck fortress.

Further reading